147 Central Hill
Upper Norwood
SE19 1RS
Our Chaplains, Fr George Boronat and Fr Frank Calduch celebrate Mass each day.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available to our pupils on a regular basis and they give a monthly talk to pupils in each class.
Parents, relatives, friends and past pupils are welcome to approach the Chaplains for guidance and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
There are some days of Recollection for Women, which are an opportunity for personal prayer and reflection held in the school´s oratory.
Details of other activities are available on the Parental Enrichment section of the website.
From time to time the Chaplain offers talks and series of seminars on a range of spiritual topics.
Fr George Boronat is in charge of our Chaplaincy team.
iPray with the Gospel
Fr George is a priest from the personal prelature of Opus Dei and has developed the iPray with the Gospel publication particularly for young people. iPray is a booklet designed for young people who want to pray with the Gospel. The Sacred Scripture is the Manual of Prayer. The Gospel should be our guide for that daily talk with Jesus Christ.
Taking the Gospel of the day, the booklet provides a commentary that can be a trigger for prayer as an authentic and personal conversation with Jesus. That personal relationship with Jesus is like a cooking pot boiling the combination of the Gospel, the Words and facts of Jesus’ life, plus your daily life, your worries, your family and friends, all heated up by the fire of the Holy Spirit.
020 8185 7770
147 Central Hill,
Upper Norwood, SE19 1RS
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