Debating Society

Debating Society

We meet every Tuesday at 4 pm and selected lunchtimes throughout the year when skills sessions are organised for our competitive debaters.

The Debating Society has several key aims:

  • To encourage public speaking and give the members of the society the tools to become confident, engaging, charismatic and well-prepared public speakers.
  • To encourage critical reflection on a wide variety of moral, social and political issues facing modern society and modern Britain.
  • To enable students to grow in their understanding and appreciation of the democratic structure of the UK
  • To encourage our young students to be engaged in the political process and to be able to make rational and well-informed judgements regarding the information presented in the political sphere.

As a society, we host discussions of current political, social and moral issues in the United Kingdom and abroad. All are welcome from all-year groups. This activity would benefit those students who want to be informed voters, hope to study politics or PPE at university or are simply interested in the world they live in and want to know more about the decision-making process.

National Competitions 

The ESU School’s Mace
Oxford Union Debating Competition
Dulwich Debating Competition
Sutton and Croydon UNA Competition
Trinity School Debating League

Other Events

The Society has a show debate held in G4 every four weeks.

Motions we have debated include:

  • This House Believes That Animal Experimentation should be banned in all cases
  • This House Believes that Artificial Intelligence is a threat
  • This House Believes That Rugby Should be banned in Schools
  • This House Believes That Britain Should not Leave the EU
  • This House Believes that Social Media corrupts human interactions
  • This House Believes that votes in the UK should be weighted in order that the younger the vote, the more powerful it is.

We also attend and watch live debates in London a couple of times each year. Recent events was the debate at the Emmanuel Centre in London where we met Jeremy Paxman!

Contact: Mr Narbrough

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