147 Central Hill
Upper Norwood
SE19 1RS
Brexit is a topic which has gripped the whole school and we were delighted to welcome Shanker Singham to address Years 10, 11 and 12 on the subject. Shanker gave a wonderfully concise and balanced account of the dangers and opportunities that we face, putting Brexit in the context of post-war international politics and finishing on an optimistic note. Shanker will be known to many of you as a Cedars parent but he is also the Chairman of the Special Trade Commission at the Legatum Institute. In that role he has been closely involved in Brexit negotiations and has made regular appearances on national TV and radio to discuss Brexit-related matters. A prominent member of the government described him earlier this year as “probably the leading expert on trade deals”.
More news: Bulletin
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020 8185 7770
147 Central Hill,
Upper Norwood, SE19 1RS
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